The environmental policy is the framework used to determine the environmental targets: we believe that correct environmental management of activities is a duty we have to all our Stakeholders and is one of the Group’s values.
The purpose is to ensure that our investment choices and operations are environmentally friendly as we recognize that this is key to the success of our business, in a long-term perspective.
The Board of Directors approved the Corporate Sustainability Report 2023 which was subject to Limited Assurance by Deloitte & Touche which certified compliance with the most important international standards (the GRI Standards). The main results obtained in 2023, consistent with the planning and targets to 2024, are summarized below. The achievement rate is estimated to […]
Read moreIGD’s Sustainability Report is drawn up with the following used as reference:
Furthermore, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the United Nations have also been used as reference in the preparation of the Report. Indeed, this Report reports on the actions carried out by IGD in order to contribute to the achievement of 10 out of 17 Millennium Goals defined by the United Nations.
Starting from the 2019 Sustainability Report, IGD also refers to the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures, with the aim of providing its stakeholders with some information to evaluate the Group’s approach to climate change, deepening the 4 areas required: governance, strategy, risk management and data / objectives related to this issue. (For further information visit the dedicated website)
On 30 June 2020, Epra published new guidance for listed property companies to help them in meeting the the reporting requirements of the TCFD; in its document, EPRA mentioned IGD as “best practices” on two aspects (“Risk Management” and “Metrics and Targets”). The mention testifies our committment to increasingly align our Sustainability Report to the international reference standards. EPRA’s guidance on TCFD recommendations is available here.
The data and the information included in the 2019 Sustainability Report are, for the third year running, subject to Limited Assurance in accordance with the procedures set out in ISAE 3000 by PricewaterhouseCoopers, which expresses the results, on the basis of the procedures carried out, regarding the compliance of the Sustainability Report with the GRI Standards.
GRI™ is an independent international organisation that has pioneered corporate sustainability reporting since 1997. GRI helps businesses, governments and other organisations to understand and communicate their impact of business on critical sustainability issues, such as climate change, human rights, corruption and many other issues. With thousands of reporting companies in over 90 countries, GRI provides the world’s most trusted and widely used standards on sustainability reporting, enabling organisations and their stakeholders to make the best decisions based on information that matters. Currently, 38 countries and regions reference GRI in their policies. GRI is built upon a unique multi-stakeholder principle which ensures the participation and expertise of a variety of stakeholders in the development of its standards. GRI’s mission is to empower decision-makers everywhere, by means of its standards and multi-stakeholder network, to take action towards a more sustainable economy and world.
The latest generation of Guidelines (GRI Standards) was published in October 2016 and currently represents the international reference standards on sustainability reporting issues. The level of application of the GRI-Standards indicators with regard to IGD’s 2017 Sustainability Report is “Core”.
For further information please visit the website of Global Reporting.