IGD undertakes to behave in a responsible manner towards people, starting from its employees. We are therefore committed to fostering good employment, by means of continuous skills development and professional development, without any distinction whatsoever between genders. We also place particular attention on the health and wellbeing both of our employees and of all those that visit our shopping centres on a daily basis, by implementing voluntary initiatives, in addition to that required by law.
Material issues
Good employment
Wellbeing, health and safety
UP TO 2024
Provide 100% of the employees in Italy and Romania with training each year
Carry out at least 1 employee satisfaction survey and 2 “pulse surveys”
Promote a “Sustainability Innovation Award”
Define a goal linked to ESG topics for part of the workforce
Include at least 1 new service each year in the Corporate Welfare Plan
Obtain the Bio Safety Trust Certification in 100% of the shopping centers
UP TO 2030
Achieve gender equality in roles of responsibility
of employees in Italy were involved in training activities
Italian portfolio obtained the renewal of the Bio Safety Certification
Good employment
In 2023 the Group’s workforce recorded an increase from 157 to 169 employees. This data is primarly due to the recruitment process carried out in Italy during the year regarding the positions that had become temporarily vacant at the end of 2022. In Winmarkt the workforce remained substantially stable.
Corporate workforce flow (2004-2023)
As confirmation of IGD’s committment to establish long-lasting employees relations, in 2023 the percentage of employees on permanent contracts remained stable in the whole Group. During the year the total outgoing turnover (Italy and Romania) fell significantly (6.5% compared to 14.6%) mainly due to the high number of resignations in 2022 compared to 2023.
IGD, having always been committed to achieving the right conditions for a stimulating work environment, focuses above all on the introduction of training programmes that foster professional development. In 2023 in Italy all the employees were involved in at least one training activity, reaching the target established in the 2022-2024 Sustainability Plan; also in Romania there was an increase in the total number of training hours compared to 2022.
IGD conforms its actions and activities to the principle of impartiality with regard to its employees, as described in the Code of Conduct, guaranteeing compliance with gender equality. Both in Italy and Romania more than a half of employees are woman, 55% and 65% respectively. The remuneration that IGD offers its employees does not depend in any way whatsoever on gender, but it takes into account different factors like, for example, the level of responsibility connected to the role and the length of service.
IGD is committed to guaranteeing and promoting the principles of wellbeing, health and safety within the company and its shopping centers, by adopting measures that enable all its employees and those of its shopping centre tenants to work in the best possible health conditions, in compliance with the laws and regulations.
Remote working
On 30 June 2023, the second experimental 9-month phase of the smart work agreement was successfully concluded (the first phase took place from January to October 2022). Smart working was introduced following an agreement signed with the trade unions in the second half of 2021.
On account of the positive results obtained in terms of balancing work and private life, the agreement was again extended from 1 July 2023 until 30 December 2024.
This agreement establishes an alternation between smart working and on-site working in the headquarters-, setting a maximum number of 2 days of smart working per week
Corporate welfare
With regard to the wellbeing, in April 2017 we launched the Corporate Welfare Plan, which is available to all employees on a permanent contract, with the exception of the top management. Every year IGD allocates a fixed budget to each employee who can choose how to use it. 2023 results were great: 99% of the employees that were entitled used the corporate welfare system.
IGD adopted a Safety at Work Management System (Sistema di Gestione della Sicurezza sul Lavoro – SGSL), in accordance with Article 30 of Consolidated Safety Act 81/2008. According to this system the Company defines the Risk Assessment Document to identify and and manage risks at works; the elements of risk considered in the Risk Assessment Document are related to work hygiene, accident prevention and organisational aspects.
Workers are made aware of these risks and the processes to be implemented in order both to prevent the risk of injury and to define the procedures should this occur, through specific training both when newly hired and subsequently at periodic intervals as required by the laws in force.
In 2023, in Italy, 125 employees were involved in training activities regarding safety, and the monitoring of the indicators related to injuries, illness and employee absenteeism continued.
In compliance with Legislative Decree 81/2008, the Work-Related Stress Risk Assessment is updated every three years through a questionnaire on work related factors for sample group of workers. In 2023, a three-yearly analysis was carried out on work-related stress with the involvement of the Workers’ Safety Representatives and of workers chosen by the Workers’ Safety Supervisors as being a representative sample. The result of this assessment placed all the IGD staff in the “green zone”, with no particular conditions detected which could determine the presence of work-related stress.
Furthermore, to safeguard the workers’ health the Company defined a health monitoring process by means of a procedure that offers medical visits for VDT users both in the pre-hiring phase and periodically pursuant art. 173 of the Legislative Decree 81/2008.
Safety policies in our shopping centers
Focus placed on the safety of its structures is a fundamental prerequisite for IGD, both with regard to compliance with regulations in force and with regard to the definition of adequate policies and procedures. All the Shopping Centres have been built and are managed in full compliance with safety regulations (Legislative Decree 81/2008 and Ministerial Decree 10/03/1998).
Safety management in the Shopping Centres, which was modified in 2022, is assigned to the Prevention and Protection Service Managers, who are outsourced and appointed by means of invitation to tender, with focus on the geographical areas of origin. Their work flanks that of the Persons-in-Charge, identified as the Area Managers. This new management method, which was
fully operational in 2023, obtained positive results both in terms of security at individual Shopping Centre level and in terms of circulation of information.
This model involves and guarantees the safety of all the people that frequent the Shopping Centres, both visitors and workers. The tenants, in particular, participate in Health and Safety management in the Shopping Centres: they are involved, for example, in the periodic emergency drills, in biohazard management, in the cleaning of the various systems, etc..
The projects that had been launched over the previous years continued both in Italy and Romania, the aim being to voluntarly increase safety in the shopping centres:
DOME SKYLIGHTS (ITALY): in 2019 an assessment was initiated regarding the management and monitoring of fall protection systems, and more specifically, of the dome skylights on the Shopping Centre roofs. In 2023 the assessment of the conditions of the properties’ enclosures and dome skylights continued during the year, with work being completed in Centro ESP (Ra).
ANTI-SEISMIC (ITALY): following the earthquake that hit Emilia Romagna in
2012, we defined a voluntary project regarding the anti-seismic improvement of IGD’s structures. In 2021 work was completed in the mall of La Favorita Shopping Center in Mantua.
UPKEEP OF SAFETY IN STRUCTURES (ROMANIA): in 2021 in Romania work was completed on the structures’ fire exstinguishing devices, in order to obtain the updated fire prevention certifications. Moreover we introduced an outsourced service, so as to ensure that emergency situations are dealt with during opening hours.
Since 2021 IGD has followed the Bio Safety Certification scheme developed by the accreditation body RINA, the first management model introduced into the market which is designed to prevent and mitigate biohazards. In 2022, the BIOSAFETY TRUST CERTIFICATION Management System was extended to 100% of IGD’s assets, including the headquarters situated in Bologna. This certification was renewed for 2023.