We are the leading listed company in our sector in Italy, with a proven track record of achieving goals.

The IGD Group is active in the retail real estate sector and is the Italian leader in shopping center properties. A story of continuous growth, we have been listed on Borsa Italiana’s Mercato Euronext Milan since 2005.  We are part of the Euronext STAR (Segmento Titoli con Alti Requisiti) Milan, that is stock segment with high requirements) segment which comprises midsize companies with a capitalization of between €40 million and €1 billion that comply with specific standards of excellence in terms of transparency, liquidity (minimum float of 35%) and international corporate governance practices.

In 2008 we were the first Italian company to obtain SIIQ (Società di Investimento Immobiliare Quotata or real estate investment trust) status.

Our strategy is guided by the concept of sustainable growth.

Based on our business model we look for investments characterized by:

  • sound underlying real estate
  • specific management skills
  • highly visible cash flows
  • liquid shares traded on a regulated market.