27 March 2017 12:48

Signing of the merger deed concerning the incorporation of IGD PROPERTY SIINQ S.p.A. and PUNTA DI FERRO SIINQ S.p.A. into IGD SIIQ S.p.A.

IGD – Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione SIIQ S.p.A. (“IGD SIIQ S.p.A.” or the “Issuer”), advises that the deed of the merger by incorporation of the wholly-owned companies IGD PROPERTY SIINQ S.p.A and PUNTA DI FERRO SIINQ S.p.A (jointly the “Incorporated Entities”) has been signed today, in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Directors held on January 19th, 2017 – pursuant to Sec. 2505, second paragraph, of the Italian Civil Code and  Art. 22 of the By-laws – as well as the resolutions of the Extraordinary Meetings of the Incorporated Entities held on the same date.

The merger deed will be registered at the competent Companies Register according to the terms prescribed by law pursuant art. 2504 of the Italian Civil Code.

The statutory effects of the merger shall run from April 1st, 2017, to the extent that it will be done, within the current month, the last registration of the merger in the relevant Companies Register. As of that date, IGD SIIQ S.p.A will succeed into all the assets and liabilities of the Incorporated Entities.

The accounting and tax effects of the merger shall take effect from January 1st, 2017. Starting from this date the transactions made by the Incorporated Entities shall be attributed to the financial statement of IGD SIIQ S.p.A. pursuant to art. 2504-bis, third paragraph of the Italian Civil Code.

The documents concerning the merger are available at the IGD SIIQ S.p.A. Headquarters and on the Governance section of the company website https://www.gruppoigd.it/Governance/Altri-documenti.